
  • Marching Band Drum Crafts Business

    INDONESIA-DI YOGYAKARTA. Business creation tools marching band is still not widespread. Keen to see its market share, and achieve sweet results, that is what is now perceived by business flagged Joko Purnomo Wasito Son.

    Marching bands identical to the official celebrations, such as national independence days, and other important days. That said, the marching band was born after World War II.

    Marching Band is now growing and become activities that loved young people, and not just limited to the activities of the parade. Marching band is already a kind of entertainment or music show rich color, both musical and visual. Marching bands also play unlimited songs mars, but has penetrated various rhythmic pop songs, jazz, or classical.

    As if a race against the rampant activities of marching bands, businesses related to the marching band equipment ditekuni Joko Purnomo not lose too rampant. Business equipment makers and distributors of music, drum band, and marching band has been going on since 1960. This business was founded by the family of Ricardo. "At first I just worked into the sales to help parents," he said.

    After serving for 10 years, Johnny finally decides to independently make the same effort as their parents. "I had baseball allowed by the parents," said Joko. However, with capital daring and spirit, he finally allowed by the parents and be the generation of the Son Wasito two feet. "Anyway tripe base," said Joko with a thick Javanese accent.

    The origin of this marching band business, that is, when the Sultan Palace the aid sangsakala blow to parents Joko Purnomo. After sangsakala the function, returning her parents received similar orders from other people, including the repair of musical instruments drums.

    From there then the idea of ​​making efforts to create a marching band equipment. Armed with the expertise to fix musical instruments, Prapto Joyo Wasito, as the first generation of Wasito Son, ventured by first making a musical instrument drum band, after that developed by making musical instruments marching band.

    Armed with capital to continue from parents, Joko continue the business of making tools marching band in 1993. "I have been independently around in the 70s," said Joko.

    Johnny makes his home in Princes Street Wirosobo UH VI/651 Yogyakarta as well as workshops (workshops) for the manufacture of marching band instruments. Attended by 10 employees, Joko every day can make the tools marching band one or two units. In addition to making musical instruments drum band, he also makes a variety of costumes marching band. All employees have a duty in accordance with their respective fields. "The ten employees already can do all the tasks, are complementary, and all should be," said the father with two children. However, when orders booming, Joko recruit a number of contract workers in Wasito Son.

    Not Lose of Imports 

    The order-making drum band is not too complicated. First thing to do is drum body is coated with a choice of plywood, then coated individually rolled repeatedly, resulting in a strong drum body. After that the press uses an iron ring, given a color, given a ring that has been so, given the drumhead from abroad, then stem and finishing.

    About drumhead made abroad, Joko explained, drumhead import good quality and not easily damaged. "I can make a drum with a drumhead made of local bands, but the quality is not good and easily damaged, so it's up to customers," he said kindly.

    Although the drumhead from abroad with quality, but quality tools made by Joko marching band also did not lose, and still take precedence. Not surprisingly, production Wasito Son having crossed from Sabang to Merauke aka penetrated the national market. "For marketing products, I usually work with coaches marching band," he said.

    Prices are set not too expensive. For example, one unit of the drum band to the level of kindergarten (TK), valued around Rp 4 million-Rp 6.5 million, to the level of Primary School (SD), Rp 7.5 million to Rp 15 million, and for junior high school level (SMP), Rp 15 million to Rp 20 million. Price mentioned above is only a benchmark standard of Joko prices given, but the price of 1 unit of drum bands also depends on the buyer wants, too, so Johnny just follow it. "If the language is now picked up the ball, the important goals and can serve mainly in terms of price and quality," he said.

    Along with the need for tools for marching band festivals holidays, so orders for Wasito Son even more booming. Turnover also obtained sizable. To turnover in the months good as June, July and August, Joko and its employees make 10 units of drum band and could reap a profit of Rp 100 million per month, but on weekdays Johnny gets a turnover amounting to Rp 20 million per month "Usually a lot of months that order in June, July and August, because it will be used on the day of independence, "said Joko.

    Tips for successful business man born in 1975 according to this is, find the treasure as much for worship, for the purpose in the afterlife is not in the world. If asked constraints, according to Johnny all businesses there must be obstacles, one of which is competition of price. All craftsman tools marching band in Yogyakarta, now is in a race down the selling price, but not with Wasito Son. "The selling price band drum means we are not inherited, but we increase the quality," said Joko. In addition to quality, service also increased from time to time.

    Looking ahead Joko expect business to make the tools marching band expands by opening a shop of musical instruments. It was also open employment opportunities, as well as worship. Hopefully.


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