
  • Coorporate Culture

    It does not matter whether you lead a company with the style of a 'Boss' or style democrats and kinship. The important thing is whether your company capable of conducting our business well and salaries of employees remain safe.

    Such opinions could be wrong, especially for employees who have served dozens of years, to be sure he was not going to be treated arbitrarily by superiors who nge-'bossy '. Although leadership styles play an important role, but other important keys, whether the company has a work culture that complied with by all employees and company owners.

    Work culture is a system that can be written and its implementation could also just be a commitment to moral sanction. If all employees agree with that commitment, then a system called the corporate culture (corporate culture) has begun.

    Understanding the actual corporate culture need not be too serious much less frowning. This concept is a main rule that refers to the prevailing social system in general. And every company also has a standard that is not uniform, but generally produce output in the form of reward and punishment (reward and punishment).
    In order to reinforce the sustainability of an enterprise culture, the part assigned to formulate corporate legal aspects of implementing standard operating procedures, a guideline for employees to perform work in accordance fields and their respective positions.

    If you want sinister connotations, corporate culture can be a harsh discipline on employees, especially in maintaining all information and company secrets, abide by company rules that if violated could be hit by sanctions in the form of a warning first, second and third. And further dismissed without severance pay. Duh cruel nian.

    But if you want easy and somewhat inhuman, corporate culture can be implemented with an appeal that makes employees feel shame to break them. Examples like that I have ever seen in a company that put big writing on every wall of the office employees. The inscription reads about the details of SHY. Its contents include the following states: SHY if I arrive late, if not excel SHY, SHY if you fail to finish the job, and a number of other SHY said, that essentially encourage employees to compete in a healthy manner.

    Each employee will want to excel in his work. And each company will boost employee morale with the lure of salary and position the better. Therefore, companies that want to build a good working culture, it will put its employees as personal to be respected and appreciated.

    With a more humanizing the work attitude of employees (not addressed as a machine) then the work motivation can be lifted and the emergence of a high sense of belonging to the company. They realize the fall and rise and companies will result in the same fate and their future.

    In addition to improving employees' sense of belonging to the company, things that need to be done is the implementation of the consistent pattern of reward and punishment for the employee. That is, if the employee's work benefit the company, he is entitled to a reward (material and praise) and punishments (fines and reprimands) if the violation of company rules.

    In order to implement these patterns, we need a condition of employment as follows:
    1. Openness between management and employees on all matters related to the development level of the company, especially openness about corporate profits or losses.
    2. Clarity between management and employees about the measures of success for each employee, which became the basis of work performance appraisal, linked to the pattern of reward and punishment.

    Working conditions referred to, was created through a variety of everyday work habits, both managers and company owners. For that, the required behavior of the so-called corporate culture to meet two aspects: First, openness (transparency), as a way to build awareness for the whole party together. Second, accountability (accountability), as a way to build employee motivation to develop the company based on the position and capacity of each.

    Openness, can only be built if all the employees even want to appreciate and share information pertaining to the development of the company. While accountability can be built if the employee has a habit of respect for the company as a common interest, so it's ready to take responsibility, maintain and develop the company according to its position and competence of each.


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