
  • Eight Steps Start Your Business

    The economic crisis that came very narrow streak employment. Because many companies are bankrupt and lower production volumes so there is no other way except to lay off permanent employees. While the new labor force either graduated from high school and college bench continues to grow every year.

    Observing these conditions to obtain a job was not easy. Especially after many companies impose outsourching, making job seekers have no value at all fresh. The company is determining when needed and when kicked. Just choose not contracted three months, six months or a maximum of one year. After it became unemployed immortal, because it is difficult to compete. Companies tend to choose new staff new graduate course, for those aged over 25 years the doors have been closed.

    Still applying for very much. For those who get the opportunity to work and even then the model contract which has a connection. Being a purely speculate send a job application by mail or deposit to the security guard responded rarely, if after all also be called just a formality.

    Well, while the lives and needs in turns to come. How can it be fulfilled if we do not have income. For that there is no other way except to change the mindset of looking for work to create jobs. Start a business or a successful entrepreneur.

    In order to minimize risk of failure, before plunging into it would not hurt if we look at some successful tips. One of them is to follow the eight steps below.

    Knowing or Recognize Self Potential
    According to an analysis of successful business people who mostly have a pattern or properties such as, people who start their own and hardworking, people-oriented, courageous and did not hesitate in making decisions. In the lead can be trusted and his words can be held, responsible, industrious and resilient. Has good organization of regular and healthy.

    In addition, should pay attention to things that are also highly influenced against any kind of business that will be practiced. Among others in the past work experience will determine the type of business that will start. Moreover, if already familiar with the products or services and industry, will usually be easier way to start a business. Because, usually in starting a business will be very complicated if both are equally a new start. Both new in the business (not experience) and not be aware of their products.

    Before proceeding, you should plan what is appropriate business expertise or interest. Therefore, a good business plan is a guarantee for success. According to some surveys, planning right is the main determinant for the survival and growth of a business.

    There are three fundamental reasons to make a business plan which was to determine eligibility, provide a written document and guide the handling of a real business.

    A business plan must document the business aspects such as marketing, organization, and finance. Planning should begin an effort to determine whether the company would gain a profit or loss-on paper-before he quit his job.

    Furthermore, the courage to take capital loans for the second time by making her home as security / collateral, and make a commitment to (convince) relatives and relatives about the possible risks and benefits. Business actors also have to determine how large the amount of capital required to start and run the business until the business can finance itself (standalone).

    Also must strictly examine his own financial needs, as most new business in the early days could not pay the owner.

    Usually the lenders (banks) and investors also want to see a business plan. Arrange in a trace and carefully plan our business, because this will show them that we have developed a business idea that can be implemented.

    The next step is to seek or obtain funds for capital. First the easiest and secure the savings. Then use the property or personal assets as collateral to the creditor. Because usually the loan provider or investor will also require the form of legal documents, among others, collateral equal or even larger with the value of the borrowed funds. Operating revenues sufficient to pay the debt / loan, have experience of managing the business of the same type and has a commitment to greater personal finance.

    Legal Matters (Law, Regulations, Permits, etc.)
    Should we have obtained advice from an expert, such as lawyers, insurance agents, and accountants before deciding about whether his efforts will only have yourself (sole proprietorship), partnership (partnership), or in the form of a company (incorporation). However, if the businessmen will have an investor, a company would seem more appropriate.

    Record Keeping
    Data storage or good financial accounting system is very important to provide / provide information needed by investors, lending (banks) and government. The existence of the notes or recordings are very important for further planning and monitoring purposes. We need to know how much money is generated, any spending on anything, how much profit or loss, anyone who is indebted to the work done, and to whom we owe. Well, all these questions can be answered with system maintenance or storage of data (financial) good distinction transparent. Records or accounting data must be owned by new businesses, among others; Cheque Book Register indicating all checks issued, the date and amount of money on checks, check recipient, and a brief description about the type of expenditure. Cash receipts journal showing the money received or signed, dated receipt, the amount of money received, payer name, and description of the type of reception. General Ledger Accounts to Be Received (Accounts receivable ledger), or General Ledger Accounts Receivable, a register of money-money that is still not acceptable, which is the obligation of your customer to pay for your company. General Ledger Accounts to Be Paid (Accounts payable ledger), or the Debt Ledger, who noted the bills are still not paid by your company to the provider of services or goods (vendors).

    Journal of payroll / wage that is used to track payments or penggajihan to employees and this includes things such as gross revenue and net income, individual income tax, and various other salary deductions, and General Ledger Inventory Control (Inventory control ledger) that records inventory purchased, inventory is sold, and inventory is still there. Inventory Ledger was only fitting that has a large inventory.

    Problem is also very necessary insurance. Before opening a business should have consulted with insurance agents regarding the protection of property / wealth, debt / liability, compensation for employees, vehicles, business interruption, health and life insurance. We have to get "bids" from several insurance agents, and then buy insurance and preferably from one agency alone. This will enable us to obtain services or better services. All insurance policies must also be reviewed every year - in line with business growth, the need asuransipun will increase.

    As a good citizen and an honest businessman always fulfilled its obligations to pay taxes. For that to understand and pay the appropriate tax laws, should consult with a public accountant. Diligent follow the seminar or workshop with the theme of taxation. Furthermore, the Register of business organizations to several relevant agencies in both the central and in the regions, and organizations in accordance with the cultivated field.

    Relief / Help
    In order business run smoothly and grow should indeed be supported by several important instruments. Make a "team of professional advisers," comprised of business counselor from Verja Joint Agreement (CLA), legal advisors, bankers and insurance agents.

    Because, most successful businesses often received assistance from successful entrepreneurs. For example, when they met at a meeting organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and with other related business organizations. If at that time asking for advice and willing to listen, then the chances of success will increase / wide.

    In closing, anyone who fails to plan, then plan to fail. Anyone who fails to prepare, then prepare yourself to fail (those WHO fail to plan, plan to fail). We must take the time to make its business plan and learn as much as possible before making big decisions like that. Only then will the dream of owning a business will become a reality.


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