
  • Sistem Tanggung Renteng SBW

     INDONESIA. Savings and credit cooperatives (KSP), which finds its own management system? One of them, Cooperative Setia Bhakti Wanita (SBW), East Java. For the cooperative society KSP, recourse management style of SBW are well known. Hj Siti Aisyah Yoos Lutfi, the architect SBW about philosophy, working principles, and application management of "Sistem Tanggung Renteng".

    Since its establishment (1978), KSP SBW system of Sistem Tanggung Renteng. Its application, to each member was given the freedom to form, amounting to 20 to 30 people. In it formed interaction between members needs. Each other mutual support and take responsibility for the liabilities of the group.

    When forming groups, the SBW did not participate to determine who are the members of the group who will be selected. The group itself which decided: Whether a person can be accepted or not a member of the group.

    One of the values ​​that you want is formed by forming a group and with
    Sistem Tanggung Renteng  is the attitude of the responsibility of every member of the cooperative institutions and others. The result, if the number of groups in the SBW in 2003 reached 359 group, as of the end of August 2005 the number of groups has reached five hundred more.

    Sistem Tanggung Renteng, simplify set SBW members who have reached tens of thousands of people. Other benefits will reduce the level of bad loans really zero percent. Why can succeed? For every member who will be applying for loans by members of the same group. They also always try not to bad loans. If it freezes anyone else could be bothered.

    Sistem Tanggung Renteng SBW applied initially frightening, because it involves borrowing money. Moreover diembel-arbitration with Sistem Tanggung Renteng. However, after receiving a detailed explanation, many communities are interested in joining a cooperative member. Initially scared finally terpincut.
    Sistem Tanggung Renteng was to produce a very solid interaction among members. In practice, interaction among members becomes a kind of free consultation. For the initial stage, members may not borrow directly from cooperative.

    Members have permission to fellow members of the group, it means that prospective borrowers are making commitments that do not play games. To borrow money and must return on time. Better yet, prior to maturity. If this can diamalkan, not just the borrower who can be good name. The group also raised prominence.

    Conversely, if the borrower in trouble with his credit, he immediately sanctioned "black stamp" (black list). No other, caused by one member, all members of the group must bear the problem of the borrower's loss. This is the core system of
    Sistem Tanggung Renteng.

    Implementation of
    Sistem Tanggung Renteng are consistently able to beat the bank. How come? Yes, for members who borrow money did not necessarily have to have guarantees or collateral. What guarantee is nothing but another member of the group.

    All members are recommending as well as responsible. Thus, each member should really keep the trust of the members in one group.

    Trust provided a phased manner. All members recommend to the KSP SBW for the prospective borrower's first loan was granted for example, Rp 600 thousand. In the second year approved Rp 800 thousand, and three new loan may be Rp 1 million.

    Consideration was tailored to members' ability to repay in full. If one member menggembalikan installment proved timely, after 70% he was allowed to repay the borrowed again. Of course, after consultation and permission from all members of the group.

    Implementation of
    Sistem Tanggung Renteng to uphold common values, not the preamble. That is, group members always come to think and always cares if other members are needed the money. Also means emancipation also occur spontaneously.


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